• Loving God, following Jesus Christ, and being guided by the Holy Spirit; living a life of discipleship.
  • Praying actively and nurturing spiritual practices.
  • Being called to ordained ministry by God and the Church.
  • Continuing discernment of one’s call in community.
  • Understanding the power of the Holy Spirit at work through the elements of Christian worship to nurture faith.
  • Exhibiting a commitment to lifelong spiritual development and faithful personal stewardship.
  • Acknowledging Jesus Christ as the sole Head of the Church.
  • Communicating passion for the oneness of the Body of Christ (John 17:21).
  • Holding active membership in a Local Church of the United Church of Christ.
  • Participating in the various settings of the United Church of Christ, including Local Churches, Associations, Conferences, General Synod, and global ministries.
  • Knowing and appreciating UCC history, polity, and theology.
  • Exhibiting a commitment to the core values of the United Church of Christ: continuing testament, extravagant welcome, and changing lives.
  • Empowering the Church to be faithful to God’s call, reflective of Christ’s mission, and open to the surprises of the Holy Spirit.
  • Strategically creating the future of God’s Church.
  • Witnessing in the public square to God’s redeeming power.
  • Performing necessary and appropriate administrative tasks.
  • Working collaboratively with intercultural awareness and sensitivity.
  • Encouraging leadership development of self and others through continuing education and lifelong learning.
  • Exhibiting knowledge, understanding, and continuing study of the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament.
  • Maturing in effective proclamation and preaching.
  • Understanding the history of the Christian Church, from biblical times forward.
  • Bringing life to sacred stories and traditions in worship, proclamation, and witness.
  • Leading faith formation effectively across generations.
  • Holding the Holy with integrity especially as represented in the Sacraments.
  • Nurturing care and compassion for God’s creation.
  • Maintaining a basic understanding of mental health and wellness.
  • Practicing self-care and life balance.
  • Providing hope and healing to a hurting world.
  • Attending to one’s own spiritual and pastoral care, including engagement in supervision as appropriate.
  • Stewarding the resources of the Church.
  • Practicing theological reflection and engagement as part of one’s sense of ministerial identity.
  • Integrating theological reflection in teaching, preaching, and ecclesial and community leadership.
  • Articulating a theology and practice of ministry consistent with the UCC Manual on Ministry.
  • Demonstrating an appreciation for and participation in the ecumenical and interfaith partnerships of the UCC.
  • Experiencing and appreciating a variety of theological perspectives.
  • Embodying the UCC Ministerial Code.
  • Drawing on the ministry of Jesus Christ to confront injustice and oppression.
  • Practicing the radical hospitality of God.
  • Identifying and working to overcome explicit and implicit bias in the life of the Church.
  • Understanding community context and navigating change with a community.
  • Engaging in mission and outreach.
  • Building relationships of mutual trust and interdependence.
  • Developing and maintaining a healthy sense of self as shaped by God, community, and life experiences.
  • Living in relationships of covenantal accountability with God and the Church.
  • Exhibiting strong moral character and personal integrity.
  • Respecting the dignity of all God’s people.
  • Understanding and ministering to stages of human development across the life span.
  • Demonstrating excellent communication skills.
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